TikTok anime filter ghosts - ghost hunting

People are using a new TikTok filter to uncover paranormal activity in their homes. The filter, called the AI Manga Filter, was introduced to turn people and objects into fun anime-style art, giving folks the opportunity to see what they might look like as a star of their own manga. But then the program began finding people where there didn't seem to be any. 

People immediately put this to use, using the program to screen their own homes for ghosts, and the results ranged from beautiful, to downright creepy. 

While it's fun to pretend this TikTok filter is uncovering spirits around us, most videos seem very aware of the fact that the phenomenon is just a quirk of a TikTok filter, and not to be taken seriously. 

Although ghosts are certainly the creepier explanation, the rogue figures come from the program confusing objects with human features and drawing people around them. Good to know that my house isn't really haunted.